Thursday, March 29, 2012

I was tagged by Nella from *The Girly Girl Chronicles*

Thankyou for showing interest in my blog :-D

Rules for the Get To Know Me Tag

1.) Post 11 things about yourself if your going to participate.
2.) Answer 11 additional questions that the person who has tagged you is going to ask.
3.) Create 11 questions for 11 people that you are in turn going to tag.
4.) Tag these 11 people and let them know that you have tagged them.
5.) No tag-backs.
6.) Your tags have to be legitimate tags.

11 Facts about myself

1.) I love to swim.
2.) I love things that are see-through and that glow in the dark.
3.) I want to get a giant dragon tattoo across my entire back that's only visible in U.V. ink just
     because I think it'd be kewl.
4.) I am a Graphic Design major
5.) I am a animal lover <3
6.) I don't wear any makeup but LOVE LOVE nail polish
7.) I really want to start wearing makeup but its one of those things where your reluctant to start            
     because you just don't know where to begin.
8.) I met my husband on the interweb!
9.) I love SUSHI (and pretzles!)
10.) I'm in the process of learning to sew my own clothes, I'm really tall and need custom clothing.
11.) I seldom watch T.V. if ever

Questions from Nella (the person who tagged me)

1.) What made you start a blog?
          It was a New Year's Resolution of mine to start painting my nails/doing designs with them.
          I was really inspired by all of the awesome nail blogs out there on the web to start a blog  
          of my own. My blog started late June/early August as a way to document my designs as
          they happened.
2.) Do you prefer your hair long or short.
          Definitely long, while short hair looks very trendy/sophisticated I feel it doesn't suit me/it's    
          harder for me to maintain.
3.) What is the most played song on your Ipod?
          Lately, Rammenstien-Du Hast its so addictive :p
4.) If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
          Alexia, because my name is hard for most people to pronounce (Alethia) If I changed it to    
          that no one would have trouble pronouncing it.
5.) What is your favorite perfume scent?
          I love Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume and it's under $20 which is    
          a plus!
6.) Do you have a celebrity look alike?
          I'm an slightly uglier-darker version of Zoe Saldana.
7.)What is your favorite polish?
          Currently It's Kleancolor's Metallic Green layered over black polish. TO-DIE-FOR!
8.) Are you an early bird or a night owl?
          I'm Definitely a Vampire.
9.) What's the first thing you notice about people?
          Their teeth (or lack thereof)
10.) What are two things that makes you want to follow a person's blog?
          They have to have a good blog design w/ good quality posts or some combination of the two
11.) Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
          Horror is my favorite genre so I'm gonna have to go with Scary Movies.

People I've tagged:

1.)Ice Queen from Ice Queen's Nail Parlour
2.)Sarah from Chalkboard Nails
3.)Heather from Nailed (Just Another Nail Blog)
4.)Minnie from Mini Nail Blog
5.)Jessie from Jelly's Nails
6.)Madzooks from My Nail Art Blog
7.)Mari from Mari's Nail Art Blog
8.)Kae from The Hungry Asian
9.)Silvia from Nail Art Creations
10.)Didoo from Didoo's NA (Nail Art)
11.)Senoma from Senoma Nail Art

Questions For the People I tagged:

1.)What's your favorite food to eat?
2.)What's your dream job?
3.)What are your 3 favorite things to do?
4.)If it were possible, would you go your whole life without eating or sleeping?
5.)What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
6.)What's your fondest childhood memory?
7.)About how many bottles of nail polish do you own?
8.)What's your favorite season?
9.)How long does it usually take you to do your nails?
10.)What's your favorite gift to get?
11.)Any master tips for bloggers starting out?

That's all for now!


  1. Nice to read! Thank you for tagging me, I will fill it in this weekend :)!

  2. Thanks again for tagging me ! It's all done on my blog if you want to read it ^^

  3. Hello Alethia, and thank you for the tag. I'll try to do it sometime soon :)

  4. Your welcome! I really like all 3 of your blogs :)

  5. I enjoyed reading this! You are learning to sew your own clothes,thats cool! Exactly how tall are you?

  6. I'm 5'11' almost 6' My mother sews really well and she's been giving me a few sewing lessons :)

  7. blog very cute!!!!!!!

  8. Thanks for the tag! I will try to do this asap! :)


Thanks so much for your all of your comments! I am very humbled by all of your kind words, ideas, and encouragements, But above all, thanks for taking the time out to post a comment (and hopefully *fingers crossed*) subscribe to my blog!!!

(>n_n)> thanks! <(n_n<)

Special Note: Please do not add links in your comment(s). I've been getting a few spam posts from sites completely unrelated to nail/beauty blogging. If you want to post your beauty and or nail related blog I've made a special page just for you near the top of my site entitled "Post Your Blog" I've let it slide for now, but in order to protect the safety of all visitors to this site any future comments with links will be DELETED!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.


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I'll swatch and review a polish from my stash!

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I'll recreate someone else's mani on my own digits.

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I'll either create or follow someone else's tutorials!
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I'll make my own frankens!

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