Friday, April 5, 2013

I know I've been gone for quite some time now, but I'm back with a brief yet very important announcement:

Which is that I have to postpone blogging for a while.

Yes, yes, I know, I know, I've been gone for so long only to tell you that I'll be gone even longer-- which sucks, but it's been SO crazy here on my end that you wouldn't even believe!

I'm talking ridiculous!

I suppose that if I really had to, I could begin blogging again right away...but I have to admit that I'm a bit of a perfectionist; I like to put my all into everything I do, including this blog, and unfortunately for now I am just unable to do so.

Why? Well I can't really get into the details of that right now, partly because I don't want to bore you with the details which would probably take an absurd amount of time to explain anyway & and partly because of the circumstances of my "situation" which have not been made final yet, so just know that I am doing well & that will be back to nail blogging soon!

That's all for now!

P.S. If you are a new reader and you like what you see please feel free to subscribe for the moment that I return!

P.S.S. I'll be on just long enough to change my theme for spring. Any questions? Comments? Concerns? feel free to shoot me an email at as I won't be around to moderate comments 


On Sundays:

On Sundays:
I'll swatch and review a polish from my stash!

On Mondays:

On Mondays:
I'll recreate someone else's mani on my own digits.

On Tuesdays:

On Tuesdays:
I'll either create or follow someone else's tutorials!
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On Fridays:

On Fridays:
I'll make my own frankens!

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

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